

Middays at Monica’s

Join Jim Hunter every Thursday at noon for discussions of upcoming events in the Johnson County area. If you have a non-profit you would...Read More

The Late Show

Tom Maicke plays a newly-released album in its entirety every Wednesday night at 11:00! (Rebroadcasts Friday mornings at 1.) 3/12 Bob Corritore & Friends...Read More

The Zecom Radio Hour

Legendary Chicago radio personality/former KRNA DJ Bart Shore brings you a callback to classic Progressive Rock Radio Sundays from noon-1p. (If you don’t know...Read More

The Heartland Hootenanny

Saturdays 1-3p. (Rebroadcasts Thursdays 1-3a.) Mary of the Heartland’s wanderlust has taken her to Missouri, Arizona and, now, to Eugene, Oregon where she has...Read More

Patrick O’Leary

Saturdays 9-11a. Patrick O’Leary: Patrick lives in St. Louis and has always loved Jam bands, which is why he hosts “Jam Packed” on KFMH!...Read More
99+ KFMH


“Monday thru Friday nights 7-11p expect to catch me (Roberto) playing songs I remember as a faithful listener in the early 99PLUS days plus...Read More

Jim Hunter

Weekdays 1-7p. Jim worked at the original KFMH from 1990 to its unceremonious demise in 1994. He spent another 12 years in radio until...Read More

Bill Klutho

Weekdays 9a-1p. Bill grew up listening to the legendary KSHE in St. Louis and spent many years in Quad City radio before going into...Read More