Wanted UIHC patient accused of spitting on a nurse


A patient at University of Iowa Health Care wanted by police is accused of spitting on a nurse.

UI Police say just after 1:15 on the morning of February 2nd 44-year-old Chadra Gray of the Town & Campus Apartments on Arthur Street spit at a nurse who was changing her sheets while Gray was being seen in the emergency department. The spit hit the nurse’s arm, and was observed by a witness. Gray reportedly admitted to spitting, but claimed it was not directed at the nurse.

Just before 3:45 the same morning, Gray allegedly cornered three victims and threatened to spit on them while using profanity and violating their personal space.

Gray is charged with Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations and 2nd Degree Harassment. If convicted on both counts, she faces a maximum of two years in jail.

Gray was also wanted for failing to appear at court dates on 4th Degree Theft and 5th Degree Theft charges.