Just one day after the Cedar Rapids Gazette announced they would be cutting back on printing their paper, the Iowa City Press-Citizen says they will transfer to postal delivery of their physical newspapers.
According to an article making the announcement, the change will occur starting Monday February 17th, the same day as the Gazette will begin their changes.
Quoting the article, “The round-the-clock online news cycle has made digital products the first choice for breaking news, and print subscribers are increasingly engaging digitally. As such, the Iowa City Press-Citizen will be putting renewed emphasis on the printed newspaper as a place where readers can dive into local news with more impact and context, feel-good community features, sports analysis and commentary.
Vice President of local news Michael Anastasi for Gannett Inc.. which owns the Press-Citizen and more than 200 other daily local papers, says that by the time informed readers pick up the paper, they already know what happened yesterday. They will use the printed version to help readers better understand the community and the world around them.
Subscribers will receive letters in the mail before the delivery change is implemented. The notifications will also include instructions on accessing digital products.
Monday, the Cedar Rapids Gazette announced they would only be providing print editions of their paper on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.