Johnson County Supervisors consider loosening fireworks restrictions in rural areas



The Johnson County Board of Supervisors is considering loosening restrictions on consumer fireworks usage in rural areas.

The proposal would allow consumer fireworks to be used on or around July 4th in unincorporated Johnson County. It would also set restrictions on how close consumer fireworks could be set off near spectator viewing areas, parking areas, and buildings, depending on their strength and type.

Sheriff Brad Kunkel endorsed the changes at a supervisors work session earlier this week. Kunkel said the current system of municipalities being forced by state law to allow fireworks sales tents while also banning the use of fireworks within city limits just isn’t working.

Solon is the only municipality in Johnson County that allows fireworks usage, limiting them to 9am to 10am on July 1st through 3rd and 9 to 11 on July 4th. Kunkel thinks a similar model could work countywide , as it allows those who have issues with fireworks to prepare accordingly instead of having to deal with them daily in the weeks leading up to Independence Day.

Solon does have its own unique issues with its fireworks ordinance, as Kunkel noted people from surrounding towns, the county and even other counties come to the city on the first few days of July just so they can shoot off fireworks.

The supervisors were mostly receptive to Kunkel’s proposal, and county staff has been instructed to set a public hearing on the proposed fireworks ordinance amendment.