California woman charged with identity theft for Iowa incident


A California woman was arrested in Iowa this week after an alleged countrywide practice of defrauding banks.

On April 5th, 60-year-old Ginger Lemons of El Monte California went to two different branches of MidWestOne Bank in Iowa city, and reportedly used two different fictitious US Passport cards to attempt to withdraw money from victims’ accounts.  On one occasion, she was able to withdraw over $10,800 and denied another transaction for $5800.

Authorities say Lemons is involved in numerous similar identity thefts across the country, and she was brought to Iowa by a group of other suspects from New York to participate in the identity theft scheme.

A warrant for her arrest was issued April 18th; she was taken into custody Wednesday afternoon. She faces one count of Ongoing Criminal Conduct and another of Identity Theft. If convicted on both charges, Lemons could be sentenced to up to 35 years in prison.