The University of Iowa is beginning plans for the construction of a new cancer-focused research building on the west side of campus. UI officials say the new facility will provide the ability to perform state-of-the-art cancer-themed research and enhance existing collaborations among the UI’s health sciences colleges and programs.
Cancer services and support are now performed in various buildings between UI Health Care and the Carver College of Medicine. Current cancer-related research space is fully occupied with no additional space to expand or recruit new faculty into the program.
The university is requesting Iowa Board of Regents’ approval on an updated permission to proceed with planning for the facility at the board’s meeting Sept. 18—19 in Ames.
Two locations on the west side of campus are being considered for the new project: the Medical Education Building site and the Westlawn site, both previously identified in the 10-year master plan.
A formal space analysis for the research building will take place over the next few months.