Iowa City seeks public input on community housing needs

Edited release

Public input is being sought on affordable housing, community development, and economic development needs in Iowa City over the next five years as part of its City Steps 2030 plan.

Residents are invited to share their ideas at a series of public meetings that will focus on determining how federal funds will be spent to best benefit low-to-moderate income households.

All members of the public are invited to participate and provide their input, understanding that those who are most impacted by the use of these funds will provide important perspectives to the discussion.

Three meetings will be held at various locations throughout the community, including:

  • Tuesday July 30th at the Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Center starting at 6pm;
  • Wednesday July 31st at Escucha Mi Voz located at Saint Patrick Church beginning at 7pm;  and
  • Thursday August 1st at the NCIC’s Broadway Neighborhood Center starting at 5:30pm.

City Steps 2030 is part of the City’s Fiscal year 2026-2030 Consolidated Plan. Each year, the City receives Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development.

The purpose of the City’s Five-Year Plan is to help improve the housing and living conditions of its residents, especially those households with low-to-moderate income, people experiencing homelessness, and persons with special needs.

A copy of the full release is available at this link.