State district court still waiting on Iowa Supreme Court ruling on abortion law


Iowa’s new abortion law, which is nearly cleared to go into effect, has been delayed.

At issue is whether the State Supreme Court, who ruled the law is constitutional on June 28th, will rehear the case at the request of plaintiffs including Planned Parenthood.

It’s expected that the Court will reject the request, but hasn’t ruled on it yet.  Iowa District Court Judge Jeffrey Farrell held a virtual meeting with lawyers Friday, saying he cannot resolve the injunction and allow the law to go into effect until the Supreme Court makes a decision.

If the ruling stands, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood asked Farrell to delay dissolving the injunction to allow patients and health providers to work through currently scheduled appointments, a request Farrell considered reasonable.

Until the new restrictions go into effect, abortion is legal in Iowa until roughly the 20th week of pregnancy.