Brother of Iowa City state representative among Cornell College instructors stabbed in China


Chinese police have detained a suspect in a stabbing that involved four instructors from Cornell College who were teaching at a Chinese university.

The Gazette reports the instructors, including a brother of State Representative Adam Zabner of Iowa City, were with a faculty member of the partner institution touring a local temple when the attack occurred. Cornell College has been in contact with the instructors and is helping them.

The Associated Press reported Jilin City police said a 55-year old man surnamed Cui was walking in a public park when he had bumped into a foreigner. He then stabbed the foreigner and three other foreigners who were with him, and a Chinese person who approached in an attempt to intervene.

The man is in custody.

Zabner says his brother, 33-year-old David Zabner, was stabbed in the arm and was hospitalized overnight due to blood loss, but seems to be OK. The state representative believes that two of the instructors are in intensive care, but no details have been released.

US representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks and US Senator Chuck Grassley have been in contact with the State Department, the US Embassy and consulate to help get the instructors home when they are able to travel.