Protestor sues UI for video footage of his interaction with police


One of the protestors who disrupted a December fundraiser at Kinnick Stadium is now suing the University of Iowa in an effort to obtain video footage of the incident.

UI Police say on December 9th demonstrators chained themselves to the entrance doors at Gates D and E, yelled at those entering the building for UI President Barbara Wilson’s annual holiday party and fundraiser, and used U-bolts to lock exit doors. Damage is estimated at between $200 and $300. Police say the protestors also resisted arrest. Posts on X indicate the group was protesting the university’s financial ties to Israel.

One of those protestors was 30-year-old Oliver Weilein, who was not among the many people who were arrested during the incident. Weilein claims UI Police arrested him later that day and released him prior to the booking process. The only apparent public record of Weilein’s arrest was in a seven-page incident report provided by the UI to Weilein and The Cedar Rapids Gazette which shows an “adult arrest” for trespassing, even though no charges were ever filed.

In the report, UI Police say Weilein took an elevator to the second floor of the Kinnick press box, was told to leave by officers, and complied by exiting peacefully.

Weilein is suing the UI, UI Police and a police records officer in an effort to obtain security and body camera footage of his involvement in the incident.

The protestors who were arrested at the scene have all reached plea deals with prosecutors.