UIHC says budget increase necessary for expanded burn treatment center


An expansive project planned for University of Iowa Health Care continues to have budget increases.

The Gazette reports an expanded burn treatment center at the John Colloton Pavilion is facing a 10-percent budget increase due to what they call the challenging and complex nature of hospital renovations. Officials say they need to increase the cost to $15 million after the lowest of four bids was 20 percent over what they expected.

Because the burn treatment center will remain open during its expansion, the work will require multiple phases, including temporary construction and infection control. Improvements to the center’s technology, as well as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades are planned.

The current burn center was opened in 1996 and is one of only 39 across the country that serves both adults and children and is verified by the American Burn Association. The newspaper says the main construction is planned to start this spring if approved and should take about a year to complete. Aesthetic upgrades would ensue and be completed in early 2026.