Area nurses sanctioned for various offenses by state board


The Iowa Board of Nursing has sanctioned area nurses for various offenses.

Iowa Capital Dispatch reports Roberta Ann Natvig of Cedar Rapids had her license revoked after being accused of repeatedly showing up for work while intoxicated.  The Board started getting reports on Natvig in June 2022, alleging she repeatedly reported late for work, fumbled over words and exhibited abnormal behavior.  After acknowledging problems with alcohol abuse, she was enrolled in the Iowa Nursing Assistance Program but failed to attend treatment sessions and failed to submit to drug and alcohol screenings.

Derrick Miller of West Branch agreed to surrender his license after reportedly overriding an electronic medication dispensing device to procure narcotics in 2014. He allegedly acknowledged that he had taken Xanax for years without a prescription and was criminally charged. In 2021 he reportedly lost the keys to a medication cart, left it unlocked and unattended, and procured oxycodone for a resident who didn’t request it.

Polly Trefz of Cedar Rapids was charged with performing services beyond her scope after administering a dose of intravenous medication without a doctor’s order. She was ordered to complete educational training in medication safety.

And Logan Elliot of Middle Amana agreed to surrender his nursing license after being charged with stealing patient medications.

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