Iowa City man charged after weekend altercation with police


An Iowa City man was arrested Saturday after his alleged intoxication led to an altercation with police.

45-year-old Bradley Pechman of 3rd Avenue was called in at approximately 5:45 pm for being intoxicated and sitting near the intersection of South Dodge and Bowery Streets.  When officers made contact with him, Pechman reportedly refused any attempts at help or medical attention.

Once informed he was under arrest, Pechman allegedly threatened and then struck an officer. He also reportedly ignored commands to turn around and put his hands behind his back to be handcuffed.

Pechman refused a post-arrest PBT.

He was charged with Public Intoxication, Interference with Official Acts, and Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations.  If convicted on the charges, Pechman could be sentenced to up to 14 months in jail.