Intoxicated Cedar Rapids man arrested after allegedly claiming to own Iowa City brewery, demanding staff to give him money from the register


An intoxicated Cedar Rapids man has been arrested after staff at an Iowa City brewery say he claimed to be the owner and demanded money from the register.

33-year-old Alan Perkins of B Avenue SE was booked into the Johnson County Jail just before 9:45 Friday night. Staff at Big Grove told Iowa City Police that Perkins entered the South Gilbert Street brewery just before 9:15 and claimed to be the owner. Perkins allegedly demanded money from the register, and he refused to leave until he got it.

Arriving officers say they noticed signs of intoxication from Perkins, including poor decision-making. Once it was determined Perkins did not, in fact, own Big Grove, he was escorted to the parking lot. Police say once outside, Perkins said he was going to drive home. That’s when officers discovered Perkins had a revoked license through January of 2024 after refusing a drunk driving test earlier this year. Perkins reportedly admitted to driving to the bar, and he had the keys to his car in his pocket.

Perkin is charged with Public Intoxication and Driving While Revoked. If convicted on both charges, he faces a maximum of 13 months in jail.