NCAA delays decision on UI and ISU athletes involved in gambling scandal


Despite being allowed back to practice, University of Iowa football player Noah Shannon will have to wait on a reinstatement decision for at least two more weeks.

The Division I Council Coordination Committee announced Wednesday that it has delayed its vote on proposals for changes to athlete reinstatement related to sports gambling violations for two weeks until November 8th.

Jon Steinbrecher is the chair of the coordination committee and commissioner at the Mid-American Conference. In a statement from the governing body, he said the council agrees with suggestions that the penalties for wagering violations be adjusted, but they agreed to delay their decision after members of the CCA executive committee wanted more time for feedback on the proposed adjustment.

The current penalty for athletes betting on their own school but not their own sports is a permanent loss of eligibility.  Earlier, the NCAA said they were considering changes to that rule and would have a decision by the end of the month.

Those changes included eliminating penalties on those who bet on other sports at a student-athlete’s school for their first offense. Second offense would come with being withheld from competition, and a third strike would mean loss of one full season of eligibility.

Noah Shannon’s case is a first, and by all accounts, only incident.