Amish say upgrading rural road will would be unfriendly to horse traffic


The Amish community is voicing their displeasure over a road surface change project on a country road outside of Kalona.

The Daily Iowan reports the project will resurface a portion of 540th St. S.W., which passes in front of Stringtown Grocery in Kalona, Iowa. The road will change from a chip-seal surface to an asphalt surface as part of the county’s five-year plan.

The project was approved by the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, who awarded a contract to L.L. Pelling for the project at their Sept. 28 formal session.

Former Stringtown Grocery owner Ed Schlabach said the current chip-seal surface is better for horses. He and other members of the Amish community question the need for the nearly million-dollar project.

Two Supervisors met with the community before voting. V Fixmer-Oraiz, who voted against the project, said that they didn’t feel comfortable due to the residents’ concerns. Supervisor Jon Green said he was sympathetic to those concerns, but felt the process was at a point that it would be irresponsible not to proceed, and voted for the project.

Assistant County engineer Ed Bartels said the project will use a new paving technique called “perpetual pavement,” which will make the road optimal for vehicles, and be less damaging to horses’ hooves.

The project is scheduled to start in the spring.