County Board of Supervisors explain meeting recording protocol


The Johnson County Board of Supervisors issued a media release Tuesday explaining a new standard protocol when recording work sessions or general sessions for the public.

Along with the Auditor’s office, the entities say they will maintain a normal practice of pausing recordings during public meetings once the Chairperson gavels declaring a recess.

Last week at a work session, a recess was called due to a heated argument between Supervisor Royceann Porter, Iowa City Truth and Reconciliation Commission member Sikowis Nobiss and former TRC chair Amel Ali, who both participated in the public comment segment of the meeting. Recording of the work session continued for a brief time after the recess was called and then was paused.

The release says recordings will be paused immediately after the Chair gavels to declare a recess. The standard practice aims to maintain the integrity of the recordings while providing a clear distinction between active meeting proceedings and recess periods.

The Board plans to develop a public-accessible document outlining policies regarding public meetings. This document aims to provide clear insights into the procedures followed during meetings, fostering a more informed and engaged community.

The release adds the decision to standardize recording protocols reflects the Board’s dedication to open governance and responsiveness to community feedback.

All Board of Supervisors meetings are open to the public, with the exception of closed sessions to cover situations allowable by Iowa Code, such as discussions on litigation or employee performance.

A live stream of meetings may be viewed or listened to online by going to the Board of Supervisors page at .