Activists complete protest at IC City Hall against trash buildup in Ralston Creek


Area activists completed a protest against trash buildup in Ralston Creek Sunday after dumping collected litter in front of City Hall days earlier.

The Daily Iowan reports the environmentalists collected trash and debris on Thursday along two miles of Ralston Creek between Hickory Hill Park and the Iowa River. They returned to downtown Iowa City and emptied the trash outside of City Hall, urging them to invest in more environmental cleanup efforts.

The protest was announced after organizers say they got unsatisfactory responses from the City Council on the amount of litter in town.  Vincent Shoppa told the DI they wanted to show the Council and other city officials a visual depiction of how much trash they are unwilling to collect.

After Thursday’s protest, the group gathered up the trash they collected and took it to the landfill. They continued their protest in front of City Hall through Sunday to urge community members to recognize the issue.