Area transient accused of burglarizing two downtown IC apartments


An area transient was arrested after being accused of burglarizing apartments in downtown Iowa City.

Officers were called to the 300 block of East Davenport Street at 2:30 Saturday afternoon for a report of a burglary to at least two apartments in the building.  The victims pointed out 35-year-old Todd Brodie as a likely suspect. When contacted, he allegedly refused to identify himself.  Additionally, Brodie reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech, and the odor of ingested alcohol.  Brodie allegedly had an open cup of alcohol in his hand, and was loud and verbally abusive for no apparent reason.

Brodie was initially charged with Public Intoxication and Interference with Official Acts, both simple misdemeanors.  If convicted on both charges, he could be sentenced to up to 60 days in jail.