Iowa City woman charged with electric bicycle theft


An Iowa City woman was arrested after an investigation identified her as part of an electric bicycle theft.

31-year-old Jennifer Capi of Westside Drive was allegedly seen on camera with a male checking bike racks around Petersen Residence Hall in the overnight hours of September 1st.  Footage reportedly shows the male pushing a bike with Capi walking.  She then allegedly is seen on camera, taking an electric Trek bicycle from the bike rack.  A tire was then taken off a separate locked bike.  The male is then seen riding away from the residence hall on the Trek, with Capi riding the other bike that was being pushed earlier.

The two were identified by other officers that have had previous contact with them.

A warrant was issued, and Capi was taken into custody and charged with 3rd degree theft, an aggravated misdemeanor. Earlier this week, she was released on her own recognizance pending future court dates.