Kirkwood to hold dedication for new Veterinary Building Thursday

Edited release

Kirkwood Community College will hold a ribbon cutting and open house on its main campus in Cedar Rapids to celebrate the completion of its new Veterinary Technology Center on Thursday from 3-5:30 p.m.

The Center is the final construction project related to the college’s $60 million bond measure, which passed with voter approval in 2017. Design of the new building began in July of 2020 with construction starting in October 2021. The facility features 18,000 square feet of instructional clinical space, technical classrooms, administrative and lounge space, and animal housing.

The opening of the Veterinary Building is the last piece of the college’s facilities master plan, which was developed in 2017 to address some of the aging buildings on campus. Since then, a new student center and an auto technology building were constructed. Other monies went to updates to the library, recreation center and Washington Hall, home to Kirkwood’s agriculture programs.

As part of recent streamlining of the College, the Iowa City campus was closed and relocated to the Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa in Coralville.