Calls claiming contentious clowns continue



Iowa City Police are receiving more claims about clowns acting inappropriately toward children.

The Iowa City Police Daily Activity Log indicates the latest call came in at 12:55 Sunday afternoon from an employee at Raygun t-shirts on East Washington Street. The complainant reports a man in a clown costume was standing outside the business making customers uncomfortable. The subject was allegedly being verbally aggressive towards children, and the caller requested police tell the man to “tone it down a bit”.

The call is the latest in a series of reports of people dressed as clowns acting inappropriately in Iowa City. An employee at the Salvation Army thrift store on Boyrum Street called the ICPD just before 3:00 Friday afternoon to report a subject dressed like a clown was harassing the staff and refusing to leave. Another call to police indicated a subject dressed as a clown and wearing clown face paint was using obscenities toward children outside Which-Wich on South Dubuque Street around 12:30 Friday afternoon.

Multiple Reddit users posted stories on Friday about a subject in a clown mask shopping at the Crowded Closet on Highway 6 East, hanging around the Can Shed on Hollywood Boulevard, and riding a bicycle on Gilbert Court.

It is unknown if police are actively investigating the reports.