UI Student had two fake IDs when arrested for OWI


A first-year University of Iowa student finds herself in legal trouble after allegedly operating her vehicle while intoxicated and carrying not one, but two fake IDs.

The 18-year-old woman was stopped for a traffic violation at around 2:15 am Friday at the corner of Washington and Linn Streets. Upon contact, she had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, and the odor of ingested alcohol.

The student allegedly admitted to drinking, then showed measurable impairment on field sobriety tests. After refusing a PBT, she consented to a Datamaster test showing her BAC at .078 percent.

A search of the woman’s belongings reportedly located two fake Illinois IDs with her name and photo on them, but a false date of birth making her appear to be of legal drinking age.

The freshman was taken to the Johnson County Jail, where she was charged with her first OWI and Possession of a Fictitious ID. If convicted on both counts, she could be sentenced to up to two years in jail.

She was released on her own recognizance pending future court dates.