UI staffer accused of removing lights from Science Building elevator arrested


A University of Iowa staffer accused of removing lights from an elevator at the Bowen Science Building on campus has been arrested.

Police say video surveillance captured 21-year-old Milo Yeaman of Morningside Drive on three separate occasions either removing or damaging the lights of the elevator on August 24th at 10:09 am and 1:28pm; and on the 25th at 11:56am.

Yeaman was identified and questioned by an officer on the 25th, after he removed the final light in the elevator.  Yeaman was located in the break room of Bowen Science Building.

Officials claim the criminal mischief to the elevator lights had been occurring since June 28th.

University of Iowa Maintenance says the cost of Yeaman’s actions, including replacing bulbs, maintenance salary hours, and hours for Schumaker Elevator Company totals approximately $3500.

A warrant was issued for Yeaman’s arrest on Tuesday; he was taken to the Johnson County Jail Wednesday afternoon. Yeaman has been charged with 2nd degree Criminal Mischief, a Class D Felony punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years if convicted.