Former SE Junior High dean of students found innocent of child endangerment


A former dean of students and coach at Southeast Junior High School was found innocent of child endangerment charges Thursday.

The Des Moines Register reports 33-year-old Reggie Shipp was on trial after a June 1st 2022 incident where he reportedly went drinking with colleagues and later passed out or fell asleep with his then 9-year-old daughter at home.

The child called her mother when she was unable to wake her father, leading to a medical check by police and other authorities.

The incident led to Shipp losing his job.

Prosecutors say Shipp’s actions forced the child to become the adult when he came home intoxicated and didn’t check on her before passing out. Police camera footage reportedly showed Shipp acting agitated when awakened by three Iowa City police officers for questioning. He also allegedly cursed at the girl, causing her to burst into tears.

Shipp’s attorney argued that he was exhausted after a long day and suggested that although he acknowledged drinking, he may have also been dehydrated. He also said Shipp had coached the girl about how to behave when left alone, had plenty of food and drink, and had an IPad and Chromebook to call for help if needed.

Shipp told the Register he is in the process of filing a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission over his treatment by Iowa City police, who he believes were biased against him as a Black, single father when deciding whether to pursue a criminal case. He said he believes he wouldn’t have been charged criminally had he been white or female. Shipp also plans to look for another job in education.