Iowa City pair charged for series of thefts


A pair of Iowa City residents were arrested this week on warrants stemming from a series of thefts earlier this month.

Officers were called to the 2300 block of Heinz Road just after 4:30 am on June 8th on reports of suspicious activity.  The reporting party claimed that they had video of 52-year-old Jeremy Mulvaney of Rochester Avenue and 43-year-old Robyn Neuhaus of the same address stealing items from outside his business.

Arriving officers located the two and stopped their 2013 U-Haul.  They allegedly located what they recognized as burglar tools and items that the reporting party said were stolen from him.  The vehicle was towed for further investigation.

After a warrant was secured, the vehicle was thoroughly searched, and discovered it was full of stolen property. The items included 121 pieces of rebar in various links and a manhole cover, allegedly stolen from Boomerang Corporation; Air conditioner parts, coils and lines allegedly stolen from Brandt Heating and Air Conditioning; two large ceramic jugs allegedly stolen from Jason’s Tools and More ; and electrical exterior frames allegedly stolen from 3E.

The value of the stolen items exceeded $1400.  When interviewed, Mulvaney claimed that he was given permission from the businesses to possess the items, or that they had been abandoned by the businesses.  Each of the victims refuted Mulvaney’s claims.

He and Neuhaus were arrested Wednesday night and charged with 3rd degree Theft, an aggravated misdemeanor. If convicted, they each could be sentenced to up to two years in jail.