City of Iowa City adding security cameras in Ped Mall


With warmer weather on the horizon, the City of Iowa City is taking steps to increase safety on its Ped Mall.

The Daily Iowan reports 13 cameras will be installed throughout the area, and the underground conduits for the new cameras are already being installed as part of the Pedestrian Mall Improvements Project.

The estimated cost for the project is $95,000, and the goal is to have the cameras installed by summer.

Public Safety Information Officer Lee Hermiston told the DI in an email that the new cameras will give officers and investigators 360 degree coverage in some areas, which is critical when tracking suspect movement.

Law enforcement has been relying on security cameras owned by private businesses when looking for footage. The new city-owned cameras will help not only with making arrests, but footage will be used as evidence in trials.

The city has already installed a new light canopy on the mall.