Area man charged after threatening to kill woman who has no contact order against him


An area man was arrested Monday after allegedly contacting an Iowa City woman who has a no-contact order against him repeatedly.

Police say the order was issued January 31st against 43-year-old Benjamin Hayes following a prior harassment charge. He allegedly sent multiple text messages to the woman on March 3rd, including one that said he would come to her residence. He also reportedly referenced being in possession of a firearm.

The woman contacted police on Monday, as Hayes had sent multiple texts over the last week, although she made it clear that she no longer wishes to have contact with him. Officers were on site when Hayes called again, and overheard him making threats to kill the woman and her mother. Hayes is known by police to carry multiple knives on a regular basis, and the woman says she’s in fear for her safety. He has also reportedly come to her residence uninvited multiple times. Once the woman stopped answering his calls, he allegedly began calling from a separate phone number.

Early Tuesday, officers located Hayes at the woman’s building and arrested him on a warrant issued on March 16th.  He allegedly fought with officers as they attempted to put him in handcuffs, and had to be dragged from the apartment to be placed in a squad car.

A search incident to arrest reportedly found a clear glass bottle with a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine.

Hayes faces charges of 1st and 3rd degree Harassment, Interference with Official Acts, Possession of a Controlled Substance, and four contempt charges for violating the no-contact order. If convicted, Hayes could be sentenced to over three years in jail.