White UI student arrested after alleged vulgar Black History Month taunt to black police officer


A University of Iowa student has been arrested after allegedly taunting and physically accosting an Iowa City Police officer over Black History Month.

26-year-old Sean Maxwell of East Burlington Street was booked into the Johnson County Jail just after 9:15 Thursday night. According to arrest records, Maxwell approached an officer parked outside the police station on South Gilbert Street just before 5:45pm on February 4th.  Maxwell allegedly knocked on the window of the squad car, and the officer exited to see what he needed. Police say Maxwell then told the officer, “Happy Black History Month, you f—ing pussy.” Maxwell is white; the officer is black.

When confronted about his language, Maxwell reportedly repeated the comment and pressed his index finger against the officer’s vest. When asked to identify himself, Maxwell allegedly ran away.

Maxwell is charged with Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations. If convicted, he faces a maximum of one year in jail.