ICCSD to update teaching model for sixth graders


The Iowa City Community School District announced plans to include sixth-graders in middle schools, putting them in teams to transition more easily from elementary to middle school.

The Daily Iowan reports the expansion is part of a new and ongoing model to provide more opportunities for students, which will implement differently structured schedules and new classes for students.

Cohorts of around 90 sixth-grade students will be split up into three teams, where they will alternate between three teachers who will teach specific subjects. It’s believed this model will make it easier for students being introduced into a new environment.

The sixth-graders will also be offered what are called “exposure classes,” allowing them to take courses that interest them. Officials say they will lead to elective courses offered to the students as seventh and eighth graders.

The district is still receiving feedback from staff and faculty on the new model. They will release an updated timeline this spring.