Coralville man facing drug charges after license plate violation


A Coralville man faces drug charges after being seen driving early Monday morning in a vehicle that didn’t match the attached plates.

41-year-old Dustin Kremeyer of Holiday Road was stopped on the Coralville Strip just after 1:30am Monday because the Jeep Cherokee he was operating had plates on it that didn’t match the vehicle. In addition, police say Kremeyer neglected to turn the Jeep’s lights on.

Upon contact, the man reportedly stated that he didn’t have a driver’s license and that there may be drugs on his person. Kremeyer was also unable to provide proof of insurance. Two needles were allegedly found on his person, and drugs were in plain view inside the vehicle. A hard-cover eyeglass case reportedly turned up another needle, a baggie with about five grams of marijuana, and two glass pipes with a burnt white substance inside them.

A check of Kremeyer’s criminal record showed two prior drug possession convictions in Marion County and one in Johnson County. His license was also found to be suspended for non-payment of Iowa fines from five different occasions.

Kremeyer was charged with marijuana possession 3rd or subsequent, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while suspended, and failure to provide proof of financial responsibility. If convicted on the criminal charges, he could be sentenced to up to 25 months in jail.