Iowa City transitional housing resident arrested after assault on other tenant


An Iowa City man in transitional housing has been arrested after assaulting a fellow tenant.

According to the police report, 37-year-old Darius Stewart of the 501 Apartments on Southgate Avenue entered the apartment of the victim Sunday afternoon a little after 5:30. He reportedly began to yell at the resident and threw a chair at him. He also allegedly threw a bottle which struck a window in the man’s apartment and broke it. Stewart then hit the man in the head with another bottle, causing major bleeding. The victim told officers that during the assault, Stewart said he was going to kill him.

Stewart then reportedly fled the scene and was found next door at Shelter House. When officers arrived, he was reportedly pushing and yelling at staff members. He allegedly smelled of consumed alcohol, had slurred speech, impaired balance, and bloodshot watery eyes. A post-arrest PBT was offered and refused.

Stewart reportedly became non-compliant during his arrest, refused to get into the squad car and spit on an officer. Once he was secured in the vehicle, Stewart allegedly urinated and continued to spit at police.

The man faces a litany of charges. They include Assault with Intent to Inflict Serious Injury, Assault with the use of a Weapon, 4th degree Criminal Mischief, Disorderly Conduct, Interference with Official Acts, Public Intoxication, and Assault on Peace Officers. If convicted on all charges, Stewart could be sentenced to over six years in prison.