Wapello man arrested for OWI had loaded rifle in back seat


A traffic stop for dark window tint led to the arrest of a Wapello man on OWI and weapon charges.

Police stopped 19-year-old Garrett Beeding near the intersection of Johnson and Washington streets in Iowa City Saturday night around 11:30 for the equipment violation. Upon contact, he reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, and had the odor of consumed alcohol. Beeding allegedly admitted to drinking, and performed poorly on field testing. A subsequent Datamaster test showed his blood alcohol level at .08 percent.

Police say Beeding also had an uncased and loaded .22 rifle on the back seat of his 2013 Dodge Dart.

He was taken into custody and charged with OWI first offense, Possession of a Dangerous Weapon while Intoxicated, and Person Ineligible to carry Dangerous Weapons. If convicted on all counts, Beeding could be sentenced to up to three years in jail.