IC bar owner cited last month for serving already-intoxicated patrons arrested Sunday morning after allegedly serving minors after hours


An Iowa City bar owner cited just last month for serving already-intoxicated individuals faces new charges after Iowa City Police say he served minors after hours.

Officers say they observed 52-year-old Douglas Meek of Eversull Lane, who owns Pints on South Clinton Street, inside his bar with employees just after 2:45 Sunday morning. That’s 45 minutes after bars must legally close in Iowa. The group was reportedly taking shots of Jamison’s Whiskey. Three of the employees were under 21 years of age.

Police say Meek was heavily intoxicated. He was arrested on three charges of Dispensing Alcohol to an Underage Person and one count each of Dispensing Alcohol After Hours, Providing Alcohol to an Intoxicated Person and Public Intoxication. A baggie of a substance believed to be cocaine was allegedly found in Meek’s pocket as he was being booked into the Johnson County Jail, leading to additional charges of Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of Contraband in a Correctional Facility. If convicted on all charges, Meek faces a maximum of over six years in prison as well as sanctions against his liquor license.

Meek is already facing two charges of Providing Alcohol to an Intoxicated Person after another incident at Pint’s on the afternoon of October 14th.