Hills road construction begins Monday


A major road construction project gets underway Monday in Hills.

According to the City of Hills Facebook page, LL Pelling will replace the old chip seal on 2nd and 3rd Streets with new asphalt. City officials say they have been assured that there will be little traffic disruption during construction and that LL Pelling will assist residents in getting  in and out of driveways, if needed.

The project gets underway on Monday as crews remove chip seal and prep streets for a base layer of asphalt. The process will start with 2nd Street and take about one day. The same will then be done to 3rd Street north of Main Street.

On Monday, August 29th, crews will begin paving 2nd and 3rd Streets with a base layer of asphalt. Workers will also make concrete sidewalk connections, mill the shoulders, and raise the manholes to street level.

The same process will be repeated on 3rd Street south of Main Street in Week 3 of the project and, if necessary, Week 4.

Questions about the project can be directed to the City of Hills at 319.679-3197. Updates will also be posted to the Hills Facebook and web pages.