Lone Tree man accused of assaulting brother and burning his belongings


Brotherly love was definitely not the order of the day when a Lone Tree man allegedly assaulted his sibling and burned some of his belongings.

Arrest reports indicate that the incident occurred around 7:15 Saturday morning. 34-year-old Conrad Columbo was at the residence he shares with his brother and mother, and was reportedly burning some of his brother’s property. When the brother confronted him, Columbo allegedly attacked him, punched him multiple times and told him that he was going to kill him.

Columbo’s brother reportedly had swelling by his eye and complained of a possible concussion.

Conrad Columbo was taken into custody and charged with Assault Causing Bodily Injury, 1st degree Harassment, and 5th degree Criminal Mischief. If convicted on all counts, he could be sentenced to up to over three years in jail.