Representative Kaufmann flips off detractors during Statehouse rally


73rd District Republican representative Bobby Kaufmann is in the news after he finished a Statehouse rally speech with a two-handed obscene gesture.

WHO TV reports that the Tuesday rally involved supporters of the Convention of States movement in the Capitol Rotunda. The group are trying to get 34 of 50 states to support a convention where state representatives would be able to amend the constitution on a three-fourths vote per issue. Such a convention would be unprecedented in United States history, and the group says 16 states have approved their movement so far.

At the end of Kaufmann’s remarks, he said, “When it comes to these gun-grabbing, freedom-hating, over-regulating, civil liberty violating tyrants, here’s my message,” then held up both his middle fingers and said “Thank you.”

Iowa House Democrats produced a video on their Twitter account in response, showing some other things they think Kaufmann could do with his hands, including responding to constituent concerns, reading up on the state budget, checking up with people on his district, and working together and NOT violating First Amendment rights at the Capitol.

Several other state lawmakers spoke at the rally, as well as former US senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum.