Ferentz disbands alumni advisory committee


The 10-member alumni advisory committee set up a year and a half ago to address University of Iowa football players’ allegations of racism and bullying has been disbanded by head coach Kirk Ferentz.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette reports that Ferentz sent an e-mail last week to the members, telling them it was “an appropriate time to dissolve (the) committee as it stands currently.” The coach added that he was “giving thought” to how the committee can be restructured to best serve the Hawkeye football program.

The paper reports that the decision to dissolve the group came after a contentious meeting October 18th that was exacerbated by committee chair David Porter suggesting in a group text in early January that Ferentz, athletic director Gary Barta and the entire football staff be replaced.  The former Hawkeye called Ferentz “loyal to a fault and would fall on his sword for his son (Brian) and his staff because he thinks it’s the right thing to do.” He added that the only way to save his legacy, protect the program, help the players, and move forward is for Ferentz to retire.

Porter said he was disappointed by the October meeting, where he asked the coaching staff to bring an answer to the question “What is your role in creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment and what have you done to help foster that environment?” While coach Ferentz provided an answer, he asked about tabling the discussion to December. Other coaches came unprepared to answer the question Porter posed.

In a statement to the Gazette provided by a spokesman, the coach said he was surprised and disappointed by Porter’s comments and that he did not share his comments with him directly. He added that the suggestion that he retire had “no influence” on his decision to disband the current committee. Ferentz said he encourages former players to continue to provide feedback even though the formal committee will no longer meet regularly.

Porter is scheduled to be a guest on this morning’s Hawk Fanatic segment with Pat Harty and Tom Suter at 9am.