Underage Iowa City woman arrested for false ID during OWI


An underaged Iowa City teenager allegedly had a fake ID on her when arrested for operating under the influence.

Officers reportedly observed 19-year-old Serenity Keomanivong of McCleary Lane speeding on North Riverside Drive just after 2 am Friday and conducted a traffic stop. She allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, unsteady balance, and had the odor of ingested alcohol. Although Keomanivong denied drinking, officers observed bar wristbands on her. She also showed measurable impairment on field testing.

Keomanivong provided a PBT showing her blood-alcohol level at .193 percent; a subsequent Datamaster showed it at .184 percent. A search post-arrest allegedly found an Illinois driver’s license intended to make her appear to be of legal drinking age.

Keomanivong has been charged with OWI first offense and possession of a fictitious ID. She could be sentenced to up to two years in jail if convicted on both counts.