Surveys show Iowans fond of alcohol and not fans of leaving social media legacy


Two recent surveys show Iowans fond of their booze to the point they’re willing to shorten their lives, but after they’re gone, they want their social media erased. is a provider of alcohol addiction treatment services, and asked residents of all 50 states how many years of their life they’d be willing to give up in order to continue to drink. In Iowa, residents say they’d give up three years to keep knocking them back.

The survey also showed some false beliefs about alcohol. Over a third of Americans believe craft beer is healthier than regular beer, when in fact many craft beers have a higher alcohol content. Nearly 90 percent of Americans believe there are health benefits to drinking wine.

Nevadans and South Carolinans said they’d give up five years of their life to keep drinking. is a software program that allows you to scan your social media history and automatically remove contentious posts. The company polled Americans and asked if they’d want their social media automatically erased at the time of their death, and Iowans by a huge margin led the country. 85 percent of residents say they want their posts removed from social media platforms.  Utah is second at 79 percent.

Only 27 percent of Wyoming residents would want their histories removed.

Links to the studies can be found here: