Next public input session on county ARPA Fund dispersal to be held tonight

Next public input session on county ARPA Fund dispersal to be held tonight

Johnson County is continues to seek community feedback on how to invest over $29 million in  American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

The county says that public input, transparency and accountability are critical to its response efforts. The Board of Supervisors and ARPA Leadership Team invite residents, businesses and community organizations to provide feedback about their priorities for eligible use of these funds through a series of public input sessions.

The next session will be tonight at the Coralville Public Library from 6-7:30 pm.

The federal funding guidelines require that programs and projects must be tied to support public health response; address negative economic impacts; replace public sector revenue loss; provide premium pay to essential workers; and make necessary investments to water, sewer and broadband infrastructure.

The funds must be obligated by Dec. 31, 2024 and disbursed by December 2026.

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