IC man accused of stealing cellphone at downtown bus stop


An Iowa City man has been taken into custody after allegedly stealing a cellphone from a person at a bus stop and lying to police when questioned about it.

According to arrest reports, the victim set down their new I-phone valued at about 900 dollars  at the bus stop on East Washington Street around 3pm Monday. When they went to pick up the phone it was gone. The victim asked a person nearby, identified as 38-year-old Troy Wixom of Southgate Avenue, if he had taken the phone, but he said no.

The victim then tracked the phone to a Cambus Wixom was riding on. An officer on scene asked Wixom if he had the phone several times and he again denied having it. The victim then called the phone, and Wixom’s bag began ringing. He allegedly told police he didn’t know how the phone got into his bag, but then later admitted to the theft.

Wixom was taken into custody. He faces 3rd degree Theft charges along with Interference with Official Acts. He faces up to 25 months in prison if convicted on both counts.