Alleged reckless driver arrested after ramming patrol vehicle


A Fort Madison man faces a host of charges after a Friday night incident that included him ramming a patrol car.

65-year-old Jonny McDonnell was called in as a reckless and intoxicated driver Friday night around 9:40. Officers attempted to stop him on the 1700 block of Waterfront Drive in Iowa City by using their lights and sirens to get him to pull over, but he allegedly fled on Highway 6 for approximately 4 miles until tire deflation devices were deployed to stop him.

At the end of the pursuit, McDonnell reportedly rammed a Johnson County Sheriff’s squad car. When contact was finally made, he gave officers a false name of Steve Sanders. His true identity was found after using a Social Security Card found in his wallet and a driver’s license photo from Iowa DOT records.

McDonnell allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech and balance, and was observed as being agitated and incoherent. He refused to consent to field tests or a preliminary breath test, but did agree to a Datamaster test. After the result showed no alcohol in his system, McDonnell consented to a urine test which showed him under the influence of methamphetamine.

Additionally, while he was being processed, McDonnell is accused of grabbing a bottle of hand sanitizer and attempting to drink it. He reportedly refused to drop it at officer commands and the bottle had to be forcibly removed from his hands.

McDonnell was arrested for Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations with the use or display of a weapon, the most serious charge. He also faces OWI 2nd offense, Eluding, Providing False ID information, and Interference with Official Acts charges. If convicted on all counts, McDonnell could be sentenced to over eight years in prison.