IC holds off on updating mask regulations until after graduation weekend; CR, Waterloo update immediately in light of new CDC guidelines


The city of Iowa City will wait until after graduation weekend to update its COVID-19 mask mandate.

Other area cities, including Cedar Rapids and Waterloo, relaxed their mask guidelines Friday in light of new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC said Thursday that those who have been fully vaccinated can now go without wearing a protective mask indoors and outdoors in most situations.

But the city of Iowa City released a statement Friday afternoon saying that a decision to relax COVID-19 regulations in the city won’t come until Wednesday. That means families and friends who want to celebrate University of Iowa graduations this weekend must still abide by the old guidelines.
City officials say they are working with area public health officials to review the new CDC guidance. Any update to the current guidelines will be announced Wednesday.

For more information on current Iowa City COVID-19 guidelines, go to www.icgov.org/Coronavirus.