Coralville Public Transit announces changes to fares and routes


The City of Coralville’s Public Transit department has proposed changes to fares and routes to take effect this July.

In a release from the city, the changes are the result of the 2019 Iowa City Area Transit Study, which included public input on the matter. They include changes that would allow fares and passes to be consistent with Iowa City Transit, and better coordinate service between the two systems.

There are no rate increases proposed, with a drop of 25 cents for kids aged 5-18. Also, Medicare card holders would no longer be charged. The 20-ride pass would be discontinued in favor of an $8.50 10 ride pass. Patrons could also purchase a $2 pass that would be good for 24 hours. A new 31-day pass for kids is proposed for $16.00.

The City will hold a public hearing on the changes May 25th during the City Council meeting. Interested community members can attend in person or watch on Mediacom 118-8. It will also be streamed on demand at

If approved, the changes would go into effect on July 6th.