Former UIHC manager sues facility, Regents amid gender bias claims


A former manager at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics is suing the UIHC and the Board of Regents, claiming gender and pay discrimination.

Courtney Mace Davis of Winfield is the former acting director of UIHC Central Sterilizing Services. According to The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Davis claims in her lawsuit that she was excluded from meetings and decision making, paid less, and fired after reporting bias and unsafe practices.

Mace Davis, who was fired in April of 2019, claims other women faced bias as well. She also claims the university did not listen to her concerns when she told them about problems with her department’s move from the main UIHC facility to the Oakdale campus in Coralville. Those concerns were later validated by an internal audit.

Mace Davis is seeking compensation for lost wages, humiliation, anguish, and weakened future employment opportunities. She’s also asking the UIHC to implement anti-bias training to prevent future discrimination.

In addition to the lawsuit, filed Thursday in Johnson County District Court, Mace Davis also first filed a complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.

The university has declined comment, citing pending litigation.