Leaders of new Iowa City LGBTQ Archives and Library to host Trans Day of Visibility


A recently-opened community library for resources on LGBTQ people and issues plans to celebrate the International Day of Visibility with a Trans Day of Visibility Wednesday on the Pentacrest.

Aiden Bettine is the founder of the LGBTQ Iowa Archives and Library, and tells the Press-Citizen that the event will feature trans speakers from the Iowa City area and a pop-up library cart with materials for sale.

The Human Rights Campaign, a national organization that advocates for the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans, says there have been 80bills introduced targeting transgender Americans in state legislatures, more than last year already and the highest in history.

Iowa is among those states; current bills in the works would require trans people in public schools to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender assigned at birth, and ban transgender girls from girls sports at public schools.

Wednesday’s rally begins at 5pm; masks and social distancing will be required.