Iowa City man arrested for theft of landscape vehicle


An Iowa City man has been arrested for allegedly stealing a landscape vehicle from Kickers Soccer Park.

According to police, 19-year-old Christopher Board of Regal Lane allegedly committed the crime between March 17th and 19th at the park. He reportedly entered a building at the park that was clearly closed to the public at the time. A 2014 Toro Workman MDX was taken, a four wheel Gator-like vehicle valued at over ten thousand dollars.

The Toro was located on Sunday, and Board allegedly admitted that he shouldn’t have been in the building. He said he had to move another utility vehicle out of the way to be able to take the Toro. Board also said he acted alone.

He was taken into custody and charged with 1st degree Theft and 3rd degree Burglary. If convicted on both counts, Board could be sentenced to up to fifteen years in prison.