UI presidential search timeline updated


The Iowa Board of Regents has updated the timeline for the University of Iowa presidential search.

The deadline for applicants to submit their materials is Monday. On Tuesday, the search firm, AGB will grant the search committee access to the materials.

The search committee plans to meet on March 26 to identify semifinalists, with virtual semifinalist interviews proposed for April 1–3. The committee will then recommend a number of finalists who will be invited to campus.

Hybrid, on-campus interviews for up to four finalists, including virtual open forums with the campus community, are scheduled to take place April 12—23. The schedules and logistics for finalist interviews will be established and announced in the near future. Names of each finalist will be announced publicly 24 hours prior to the beginning of their interview.

The campus community will have until April 27 to provide feedback via a Qualtrics survey, and the search committee will reconvene on April 28 to prepare their comments about the finalists to present to the Board. The search committee will meet with the Board of Regents on April 29 or April 30.

The Board of Regents will interview each finalist and make its selection of the next University of Iowa president on April 30.

For more information, see the UI presidential search website, presidentialsearch.uiowa.edu.