Students return to UI residence halls today, can begin picking up PPE


Students begin returning to University of Iowa residence halls today ahead of the start of the spring semester on Monday, and school officials want to make sure they pick up their personal protective equipment.

Students enrolled for spring 2021 can pick up PPE kits at the Iowa Memorial Union in the office of the Dean of Students (IMU room 135) daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Students living in the residence halls will be able to pick up their PPE kits in their residence hall when they return to campus.

Students will need their Iowa OneCard or student ID number to pick up their PPE kit. Directions and exact building locations can be found on the UI campus maps website.

If students have questions or require alternative arrangements, they can contact Pam Krogmeier in the Office of the Dean of Students at

More COVID-19 information for returning students can be found under the Friday UI COVID-19 update at